5 Game Assessments that can be Incorporated into eLearning Courses
This blog gives of 5 examples of game-based assessments that can be used to make e-learning assessments fun and engaging.

According to an Ambient Insight report, the global revenue of game-based learning is expected to reach $ 2.3 million by 2017. This clearly indicates gaming will play an important role in online learning programs. In fact, many L&D professionals are exhibiting interest in incorporating gaming elements in formative and summative assessments to enhance the learning experience. This is equally beneficial to both learners and instructors, as the former will be engrossed in the learning process, while the latter can gauge learners’ knowledge and skills. Also, it gives learners’ a sense of accomplishment on completing the challenge by answering questions correctly.
In this post, we will discuss a few gaming assessments that can be incorporated in eLearning courses to make the exercise fun and non-intimidating.
Crossword Puzzle:
This assessment has a crossword with clues or questions. Learners have to guess the word (answer) and fill the respective boxes based on the clues.
Magic Lamp:
This is a scenario-based assessment. The learner has to answer all the questions to win the treasure. First, the learner has to answer two questions to win a magic lamp. On rubbing the magic lamp, a genie appears, posing three questions. For every correct answer the learner gets closer to the treasure, and for every wrong answer he has to pay with his coins. This compels learners to think, analyze all the options, and use the knowledge acquired in the training session to answer the questions.
This is a multiple choice assessment, where for every right answer, the learner scores a goal and for every wrong answer, he is stopped by the goalkeeper.
Trivia time:
This assessment pits the learner against the computer. The learner has to roll a die and move accordingly on a numbered board. When the learner’s marker lands on a question slot, he/she has to draw a card and answer the question to earn points. For every right answer, the learner gets an opportunity to move further, and for every wrong answer the computer earns a point.
Find Your Way:
In this assessment, the learner has to find the way to reach his destination by answering questions. When the learner selects a landmark, a question appears. For every right answer, the learner moves a step ahead. Generally, this is used in performance management to gauge the learner’s understanding on different stages of performance review. This game uses multiple-choice or drag and drop questions to test the learner.
Conclusion: These are 5 simple, yet creative game-based assessments that can be incorporated in your eLearning courses. They make your assessments highly interactive and engaging.
How do you make your e-learning assessments fun and creative? Do share with us.