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E-learning – The Ideal Medium to Deliver Safety Training [Video]

E-learning – The Ideal Medium to Deliver Safety Training [Video]

The most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses in 2012 amounted to nearly $60 billion in direct U.S. workers compensation costs. This translates into over a billion dollars a week spent by businesses on the most disabling injuries. – 2014 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index

How can you see that there are no mishaps at the workplace? What does it take to ensure a safe working environment? Well, you need to educate your staff on the potential risks and impart effective training on the safety practices and procedures to be followed.

E-learning is widely used to deliver safety training as the learning format is highly flexible and cost-effective. Here is a video that enables you to make the best use of the online medium to create awareness on safety. The video answers the following questions.

  • How can e-leaning help impart good safety training?
  • What does it take to design an engaging online course on safety?
  • How can you ensure that your people apply the learning effectively to their jobs?

So, check out the video now!

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