3 Practical Approaches for E-learning Evaluation [Infographic]
Looking to evaluate eLearning? This infographic gives you information on the different approaches that can be followed for evaluating the effectiveness of eLearning courses.
![3 Practical Approaches for E-learning Evaluation [Infographic] 3 Practical Approaches for E-learning Evaluation [Infographic]](https://blog.commlabindia.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/evaluation-2.jpg)
A 100% course completion rate does not guarantee that the eLearning course has been effective. That’s the reason many organizations are making a conscious effort to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs. Some of the benefits of evaluating training effectiveness are tracking:
- Whether the course has met learners’ needs and objectives
- The organizational benefits of the training program
- Reinforcement of learning
- Suggestions for improving the training program
A publication in the eLearning Guild specifies 3 different approaches to evaluate training effectiveness.
- Learner-based Evaluation – In this approach, data is captured immediately after the learner completes the training, and a couple of months after training completion.
- Manager-based Evaluation – Similar to the previous approach but also includes inputs from the learner’s manager.
- Analyst-based Evaluation – This approach is used only for high-visibility training programs as it can be time-consuming and expensive. Similar to the other two approaches, it uses surveys but also includes analytics.
Here’s an infographic based on the 3 approaches to training evaluation in eLearning.