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3 Essential Things the Intro Slides of Any E-learning Course Should Do

3 Essential Things the Intro Slides of Any E-learning Course Should Do

“First impression is the best or last impression”

As the quote says, you don’t ever get a second chance to make a good first impression. It is the same in the case of eLearning. Wondering how? Read the blog to learn more about how you can impress learners in the first few slides of your eLearning course.

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Well, eLearning is one platform where you teach the learner the digital way, there is very limited direct interaction with the learner compared to the classroom. So, in this case, you only have a few precious minutes, of the learner’s time to impress or gain his attention. Only then will he be interested to continue; if not, he might just close the course after visiting the first few slides.

So, in this blog we will look at the 3 essential things the introduction slides of any e-Learning course should do.

1. Gain/engage learners’ attention with the Welcome screen

The first slide of any eLearning course is the Welcome screen. So, its design and format is obviously your course’s first impression. So, here you have a great opportunity to gain learners’ attention and establish a sense of emotional connection with them right at the start.

If the first look of your eLearning course doesn’t impress your learner, they may feel the course is just a waste of time and lose interest. That is the reason you need to impress or hook the learner at the initial screen. This helps generate positive emotions from the audience. Basically, when you use the right visuals, you create the right kind of emotion.

And another way to gain learners’ attention is to engage their emotions by telling a story. Storytelling builds a strong emotional connection and engages them with the course.

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2. Set the objective/agenda

Setting a clear objective and agenda gives the learner a clear picture of where he is and what or where will he reach by taking the course. Knowing the plan will make them feel more in control of things and stay tuned to the course. This will also help them get better insights about the course.

3. Build a connection with the audience

Before you get into the details of the eLearning course, try to build some connection or bond with the learner. This will engage the learner in the eLearning. You can start with a ‘Do You Know’ question, or icebreaker questions which will make the learner think and react, thereby creating a sense of curiosity and excitement to learn more about that particular subject.

Another great idea is using Avatars or special characters. These avatars/characters create more impact and catch the attention of the learner. Not only that, the audience feel more connected and engaged to the character onscreen due to their friendly and conversational tone.

Start off your eLearning with these 3 elements to gain your learners’ attention in the first few slides, making them more likely to stay engaged till the end.

Hope you find this blog informative!.

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