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24 Anniversary CommLab India

Converting Your On Job training Assessments to Online

One of our clients asked us to convert existing On-the-Job training (OJT) tests into the online format. Usually, assessments or tests are conducted after classroom or online training sessions. But, our client wanted its employees to take the tests on the job to help them perform well.

The challenge here was to convert 20-25 on-the-job tests into the online format within two weeks. We had to convert about 5000 questions, spread over 25 modules. And, the client wanted each student should take 30-50 questions, which would be picked from the hundreds of questions in each module. In other words, the randomization feature had to be applied.

We suggested developing these online tests using Articulate Storyline, as we can use this tool to create the tests rapidly and meet the client’s expectations. The client, after reviewing the prototype, came up with new, additional requirements which are listed below.

  • Correct answers, for all attempted questions, are to be displayed at the end of module i.e. in the result page.
  • Specific weightage points for questions in some modules, i.e. 2, 4, 6 and 8 points.
  • Learners had to score a minimum of 70%, in order to pass a test.
  • If the learner fails to complete a test successfully, he can re-attempt it only after two weeks.
  • A few diagrams, pertaining to the questions, have to be recreated.

Our team developed the online tests, using Articulate Storyline and met all the requirements of the client very effectively. As required, we completed the project in two weeks.

Our client started to conduct the OJT tests through its LMS, and the response from the staff members was very encouraging.

Our team had put in considerable effort to meet this requirement, and it helped them gain expertise in the use of Articulate Storyline.

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