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24 Anniversary CommLab India

Introduction to Learning Objectives: What are They? [Infographic]

Hey training managers! Can I ask you something? Do you often worry about your corporate online training program? That all your time, money, and efforts in planning, designing, and developing eLearning courses may come to naught? Don’t worry! There is a simple way out of this conundrum – keep your focus on the bigger picture and align your learning objectives to your business goals.

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Behind every successful eLearning course are well framed performance-based learning objectives. It is through learning objectives that the learners get to know what to expect from a course and how it will help them in their jobs. Learning objectives also determine almost all key aspects of eLearning planning, design and development – scope of course content, instructional design strategy, assessments. They also help in calculating the duration and cost of online training.

But the one thing one should never forget while framing learning objectives is that they should always be aligned to the ultimate business goals. Only then will every aspect of your online training be focused on achieving the said goals.

Now that we all agree that learning objectives are pretty important, don’t you want to know a bit more about them? Learn how to frame learning objectives, maybe?

Well…check out this infographic if you are interested in getting the answers to those questions.

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Learning Objectives: Let’s Get to Know Them Better!

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