eLearning Assessments – How Well Do You Know Them? [Infographic]
eLearning assessments help training managers understand the level of competency of learners, the additional support they need, and identify areas of improvement in the training program. This quick primer on eLearning assessments has more details.
![eLearning Assessments – How Well Do You Know Them? [Infographic] eLearning Assessments – How Well Do You Know Them? [Infographic]](https://blog.commlabindia.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/elearning-assessments-quick-refresher-infographic.jpg)
The word ‘assessment’ or ‘test’ conjures an image of an impending deadline or a clock ticking, for most of us, doesn’t it? Do you think eLearning assessments are stressful for learners? Why then do we include them in a course?
eLearning assessments continue to play an important role in training because they help managers and L&D professionals understand the level of competency of learners, the additional support that they need, and identify areas of improvement in the online training program.
Assessments in eLearning are of two types:
- Formative assessments
- Summative assessments
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While the goal of a formative assessment is to reinforce the learning, a summative assessment is used to evaluate the learner. The summative assessment is also a qualitative appraisal to check if the learning objectives have been achieved.
Assessments can be used before, during, and after training. They can be used to check if learners have the pre-requisite knowledge before taking up an eLearning course. During training they can be used to encourage learners to revisit topics that they need to spend more time on, and post training, eLearning assessments can be used to evaluate learners.
Remedial actions such as guiding learners to a course on essential information or providing additional support can be taken based on the results of assessments. So, there you have it, the reasons why it’s necessary to include assessments in eLearning.
For more information on the popular types of eLearning assessments and the other formats of questions that you could include in your eLearning course, look at this infographic.
For information on rolling out rapid eLearning that also includes rapid assessments, download our eBook and get firsthand information on the best practices to follow in rapid eLearning development.